The Sarah Silverman Program, 2006.
Paul wrote with this great piece of TaB gossip!
“At one time or another I have had every TaB item and especially TaB soda cans [on eBay]. Over 125 different cans were in my collection from all over the world.
“Last month I had a request for TaB items for a new sitcom by Sarah Silverman which will be on [Comedy Central] next year. One entire show will be one a TaB addicted man (not Sarah) and was filmed July 31st, 2006. I dealt with the Set Director. I sent them a TaB clock, 10 TaB glasses, and some small TaB items.”
Thanks Paul!
Here are some pictures of the episode – love the TaB car!
For even more screenshots, check out this link
Thanks dankamongmen!
that Sarah Silverman program aired last Thursday!
it was GREAT!