Welcome Jeri!
ILoveTaB.com: When did you start drinking TaB? What were you doing? In college, etc?
Jeri: In the 70’s when it first came out. I was in high school. My family only allowed diet pop! It used to be diet RC and that’s the closest in taste to TaB I can come to when I can’t find it anywhere!
ILoveTaB.com: Does anyone else in your family/circle of friends drink TaB?
Jeri: No one else drinks it that I know of. My sister used to in high school and college but switched.[I know a few of those traitors *cough* cough* my mom]
ILoveTaB.com: How much TaB do you drink daily/weekly/monthly?
Jeri: I limit myself to 2 a day because I drank so much in college that it ate away ate my bladder muscles (the saccharin -sp) and was told not to drink it anymore. I do have permanent damage due to excess drinking of it but try to drink water in between my morning and nightly TaB.
ILoveTaB.com: Is TaB easy to find where you live?
Jeri:Not easy, but I have my grocery store that knew I was addicted. They just closed and I panicked and went to another and talked to the manager. He is now carrying it for me!
ILoveTaB.com: Have you ever brought TaB on a trip with you?
Jeri: I ALWAYS take it with me when I go out of town!
ILoveTaB.com: Any other TaB related anecdotes or stories?
Jeri: Yes… My daughter (20) likes it, but knows not to drink mine! So she does diet coke. Another story is that when I lived away from home and first marriage in 1978, my family sent me a cassette tape of them talking and funny stuff. I had a sister who was 10 at the time and she sang the “TaB. Tab cola what a wonderful drink” commercial for me on the tape! I still have that somewhere! (Also did a Gildna Radner impression!)
I’m going to a Stampin’ Up Regional convention this weekend in another state and told my downline she may want to bring pop for the hotel room. She said, “you have TaB, right? Bring me some of that!” Well, I am going to actually share some of it with her which I don’t usually do! Mainly because I always feel like all of a sudden there won’t be anymore TaB! So maybe 2 cans if she’s lucky!
ILoveTaB.com: Anything you want to add?
Jeri: [A story…] about the night my husband to be (although I didn’t know it at the time) got me the TaB at 4am…
It was New Year’s Eve and I’d just flown in from visiting family over Christmas. My refrigerator was bare! We had people over at my townhouse and drank a lot of champagne. That’s why I woke up so thirsty! Couldn’t believe he actually got up and got me some!
Also, I used to teach at an alternative high school and we were allowed to have drinks on our desk. I’d stop every am at 7-11 and get a TaB Big Gulp and take it with me to work. They all also knew me as the TaB person and I recently talked to one of my students who is now 48 and he asked if I still drank it! (I taught right out of college so wasn’t much older than them).
Thanks Jeri, and welcome to the best club in the world 🙂